Assalamu Alaikum

Please Read Before You Book!

Before you jump in and book your session, we need to make sure we're all on the same page. So, take a few moments to read through this.


All times are displayed in YOUR local time zone. This means when you book, the time you see is the time you need to show up.


We are not clinical psychologists or psychiatrists; we are coaches.

If we cannot help your case, we will refer you to a licensed mental health professional in your area.

Code of Conduct for Clients

  • Be on time.

  • We recommend you keep your video off if you are meeting with a coach of the opposite gender.

  • Respect the boundaries being put in place by the coach.

  • Your coach is NOT responsible for filling a void but rather their objective is to be empathetic and help you sort out your issues and propose solutions.

  • Do not discuss or share personal matters that are irrelevant to your case.

  • The coach has a right to discontinue or decline sessions and refer you to another coach within the organization.

  • Last but not least, our client's well-being is important to us. Therefore, if you would like to file a claim, please feel free to do so by emailing [email protected]

    A. Please title the case claim in the email subject line "File A Claim- (Coach Name)"

    B. Please include your name, appointment day and time, and your invoice # with a brief description of the issue at hand.

    C. All claims are 100% confidential.

How To Book A Session

Coaching Session Guidelines

Session Length:

Each session lasts either 30 or 50 minutes, depending on what you book. It's important to be mindful of time so we can conclude the session smoothly.

Respect Our Time:

Sessions takes place in Google Meet. We all know that tech glitches happen, but try your best to be there at the start.

Free Coaching Offer

We offer free coaching for those who truly can’t afford it.

But let’s keep it real — this is a trust.

Please respect our time and don’t abuse this offer. If you can afford paid sessions, please go for that option & for those who need the free offer - we ask that you respect our time and follow the guidelines below:

  • $15 Deposit: A $15 deposit is required to book a free session. This will be refunded after your session if you show up on time.

    If you do not show up within the first 10 minutes, the deposit will not be refunded, and the session will be canceled—no exceptions.

    This applies to all sessions, including paid ones, where the coach will drop off the call after 10 minutes, and it will be considered a no-show/cancellation with no refund.

  • Limited Bookings: You can book up to 2 free sessions per month unless your coach approves additional sessions. This helps ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to access our services.

  • Abuse of Service: If we find that you’re abusing the free coaching option, we reserve the right to discontinue your access to it.

  • Gender-Specific Coaching: Brothers should book with male coaches only. Our female coaches do not offer free coaching to brothers.

Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule your session, please do so at least 3 days before the scheduled session. You can find the cancellation or rescheduling link in your confirmation email or within your calendar event notes.

No cancellations or rescheduling after the 3-day window.

If you do not show up within the first 10 minutes of your session, your coach will drop off the call, and the session will be automatically canceled. No refunds will be provided for attending late past the 10 minute mark.

No exceptions.

Please respect our time!

We do not offer refunds for add-on purchases.

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