Do you pray all five daily prayers?
Do you fast Ramadan?
Do you pray sunnah Prayers?
Do you fast extra days outside Ramadan?
Revert to Islam or born in Muslim family?
Have you ever used drugs or alcohol?

Terms & Conditions to agree:

  1. I appreciate and will respect my coach by showing up to my session on time.

  2. I undertand a coach will reach out to me within 3 business days & Its an email service there will be no sessions. (Its a system default please ignore that)

  3. I agree to not file a claim against this charge and trust that Positive Islamic Psychology Coaching will be fair in their final decision on reimbursement.

  4. I understand and accept that all TIPS and Sponsored Sessions will be used specifically to support brother Gabriel for his dawa projects including Positive Islamic Psychology Coaching if I decide to support during the payment process.

I have read and agree to the terms here and on the policy page of Positive Islamic Psychology Coaching.

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