Guiding Muslims to Achieve Inner Peace Through Quran & Sunnah.

Assalamu Alaikum,

Welcome to Positive Islamic Psychology Coaching, where we provide real solutions to real 21st century problems based on the Quran and Sunnah.

We assess clients through four interconnected aspects of mental and spiritual health:

SOCIAL: Examining your relationships, family ties, and environmental influences.

BIOLOGICAL: Assessing your physical health, diet, sleep, and any medical issues affecting your mind.

SPIRITUAL: Strengthening your connection to Allah, understanding your purpose, and nourishing your soul.

PSYCHOLOGICAL: Addressing self-talk, past traumas, and self-worth to build a resilient mindset.

At Positive Islamic Psychology, we believe the soul is the cornerstone of true healing. Our soul-centered CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) approach is rooted in Islamic teachings:

Know Allah - Know Yourself - Know Your Purpose in Life - Know How to Achieve It

This method creates lasting change by helping you see every experience (including trauma) as an opportunity for growth and shifting your mindset from the position of a victim to that of a learner, as taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

"Strange is the affair of the believer, for there is good for him in everything... If something good happens, he thanks Allah; and if something harmful happens, he shows patience."

- Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2999

Work with us

Your Path to Healing & Fulfillment Starts Here...

Emotional & Mental Well-being

Have you been feeling overwhelmed by emotions you can’t control?

Anger, anxiety, and depression can be crippling, but you don’t have to face them alone.

Our coaching, grounded in Islamic principles, will help you regain control and find peace within.

Sexual Health & Behavior

Struggling with sexual dysfunction, addiction to porn,

or issues with sexuality?

These challenges can weigh heavily on a Muslim’s soul.

We provide discreet, compassionate guidance to help you overcome these trials and return to a state of purity and strength.

Marriage & Family Life

Marriage is half your deen, but for many, it’s also a source of pain.

From pre-marriage coaching to dealing with divorce and family feuds,

we offer solutions that align with Islamic teachings to help you build and maintain a harmonious household.

Faith & Spirituality

Are you questioning your faith or struggling to stay connected to your deen?

Whether you’re dealing with doubts, want to return to your fitrah, or need help with Quran recitation.

Our soul-centered approach will bring you closer to Allah and fortify your iman.

Why Choose Us?

In today’s world, anyone can offer advice online—but not everyone is qualified.

At Positive Islamic Psychology, our coaches are the real deal, each with over a decade of experience. They bring deep Islamic knowledge and professional expertise to the table.

When you book with us, you’re not just getting advice—you’re getting a tailored, proven approach that digs deep and delivers lasting change.

Our Team

Gabriel Al Romaani

Sh Abdul Wahab

Dr. Mahdi Reza

Shahinda Rashwan

Ibrahim Downey

Muhammad Nubee

UM Abdur Rahman

Rana A. Zabalawi

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